Are you interested in helping homeless animals? Do you like to walk dogs, cuddle cats, or bathe puppies? Looking to lend a hand at one of our fundraisers? If you are looking for a truly rewarding volunteer experience that will make you and some very deserving pets feel good, then we have just the opportunity you've been looking for- become a volunteer at Stephen Memorial Animal Shelter.
You will discover skills you never knew you had, and may even be surprised what you are capable of achieving.
You will make the jobs of the shelter employees easier by lending a hand and spreading the message of responsible pet ownership.
Feel warm and fuzzy! You will never find a more grateful and accepting friend than an animal you have comforted.
Keep good company. You will make new friends, and not just the four-legged kind. Working side by side with other animal lovers can forge lifelong friendships.
You will have the satisfaction of knowing that an animal that you loved and cared for has found a forever home.
Employers and college admissions officers look favorably on time spent doing volunteer service.
You must be 18 years or older to volunteer. Volunteers under 18 years old must be accompanied by an adult over 18 years old. For liability purposes, we cannot make exceptions to this rule.
An application and waiver form must be completed prior to volunteering. The form must be signed by a parent for any volunteer under the age of 18. For your convenience, a volunteer application is available for you to download and bring out to the shelter with you the first time you volunteer. You can also fill an online application.
Volunteers are never obligated to do tasks they are not comfortable doing. We will always try to work with you to find an activity that is appropriate for your level of experience and comfort
Because we are doing things by appointment only. We do ask that you call ahead of time to make sure that we have the staff to help you.